Take a tour around the different functions in
The Marketing and Sales departments

and see how Lindblad and MarketPort is helping our clients today

How can Lindblad and MarketPort help you?

MarketPort helps your marketing and sales organisation­
become more accessible and efficient – and thereby freeing up time and resources for you to focus on value adding activities.

Our starting point is always your business needs and your internal and external user groups.

Your needs as Sales Manager

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Your needs as Marketing Director

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Your needs as Web Manager

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Your needs as Marketing Manager

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Your needs as Marketing Director

As Marketing Director, you need to effectively plan, allocate and follow up on resources and market initiatives across global markets to ensure brand consistency and positioning while nurturing best practice and local effectiveness

How MarketPort can help you

With MarketPort, the Marketing Director can quickly comment and approve projects and campaign budgets, and can easily get an overview of activities and successful campaigns.

MarketPort can help you in the following areas (“Zones”)

  • Multi-MediaZone – Manage your marketing content and materials
  • Campaign/LaunchZone – Plan, budget and follow up on campaigns
  • ProjectZone – Organize and collaborate on projects
  • DashboardZone – Track and evaluate performance.


  • Improved planning, measurement and follow-up on marketing investments
  • Time-to-market – reduces the time from idea/briefing to launch of activities
  • Reduces out-of-pocket expenses on development and production of standard and local activities delivered by 3rd parties today
  • More time to focus on strategic and value adding activities
  • Transparency across markets – best practice sharing.



Your needs as Marketing Manager

As Marketing Manager, you need to ensure brand consistency and that all marketing materials and pictures are up-to-date and available across the global organisation. You also need to effectively plan, approve, execute, and follow up on multi-channel marketing activities that involves many internal and external stakeholders

How MarketPort can help you
MarketPort becomes the main work platform for the Marketing Manager. It is here that marketing content is managed and all activities and campaigns are planned, developed and executed. In other words, MarketPort can help you to release you from some of the many administrative work tasks allowing you to focus on more strategic and value adding activities.

MarketPort can help you in the following areas (“Zones”)

  • Multi-MediaZone – Manage your marketing content and materials
  • Campaign/LaunchZone – Plan, budget and follow up on campaigns
  • ProjectZone – Organize and collaborate on projects
  • WorkZone – Produce your own local offline and online marketing materials
  • LearningZone – Build and run effective e-learning sessions
  • DashboardZone – Track and evaluate performance.


  • Time-to-market – reduces the time from idea/briefing to launch of your activities
  • Reduces out-of-pocket expenses on development and production of standard and local activities delivered by 3rd parties today
  • Reduces time and resources spent on project coordination and local development and production of activities
  • More time to focus on strategic and value adding activities
  • Transparency across markets – best practice sharing
  • Improved measurement and follow-up.



Your needs as Sales Manager

As Sales Manager, you need to ensure that your sales people have easy access to all the relevant best practice knowledge and sales tools enabling optimal sales effectiveness

How MarketPort can help you
MarketPort opens up a set of effective sales support tools for the Sales Manager. The tools ensure that the sales people are well educated and can perform at their best when showing presentations and communicating with your customers.

MarketPort can help you in the following areas (“Zones”)

  • SalesZone – Support your sales through education and presentations tools
  • WorkZone – Produce your own local offline and online marketing materials
  • Multi-MediaZone – Manage your marketing content and materials
  • WebZone – Streamline your web appearance and support towards business partners
  • DashboardZone – Track and evaluate performance.


  • Improved effectiveness in sales activities
  • Professional appearance and behaviour – in presentations and well-educated sales people
  • Reduces time and resources spent on the creation of promotional materials, direct mails, invitations etc.

Your needs as Web Manager

As Web Manager, you need to ensure that your online channels are kept up-to-date and effective through dynamic use of marketing content and design which fulfills the needs of your stakeholders

How MarketPort can help you

MarketPort makes the life of the Web Manager easy! Content is managed and kept up-to-date in Multi-MediaZone, and dedicated websites are easily built and maintained in our Presentor tool.

MarketPort can help you in the following areas (“Zones”)

  • WebZone – Manage your web appearance towards customers and business partners
  • Multi-MediaZone – Manage your marketing content and materials
  • LearningZone – Build and run effective e-learning sessions
  • DashboardZone – Track and evaluate performance.


  • Time-to-market – web sites can quickly be created based on templates
  • Always up-to-date content – it is pulled from the Multi-MediaZone
  • Reduce time and money spent on development and maintenance of dedicated micro-sites – you don´t need to engage IT web specialists.